We have upgraded today to NuttX 7.18 on PX4/master. This is a major upgrade from NuttX 6, which we had been using for several years almost unchanged. PX4 did grow exponentially…
Find out all the PX4 news here.
It is interesting to note that the CPU load running flight control on the STM32F7 on a single core is comparable to the CPU load on a much faster single…
We are making good progress for completely autonomous mission planning – not just avoiding obstacles, but minimising risk: VIDEO
PX4’s project lead, Lorenz Meier, has assisted the Redline project of Jonathan Ledgard and Lord Norman Foster since 2014 with a feasibility study on the size and types of cargo…
Due to public demand the slides for the PX4 Update talk ELC 2016 are now online and as they lack the narrative, this post details most of the content. The PX4 project…
ETH Zurich released a news article on its website today discussing the industry impact of PX4 across the globe. A TechCrunch article from a few weeks ago draw similar conclusions…
Happy New Year! The dev team has worked hard over Christmas to give the website the refresh it deserved. The software-specific content will move from http://pixhawk.org to this page in…
We have two more build logs: The QAV 250 and the FireFly Y6. They are a great way to show what the system supports and lets people explore, without cluttering…
The PX4 website is getting ready for its relaunch. A lot of work left, but its coming together.