Dronecode/PX4 are excited to announce the creation DroneCore, our new open-source MAVLink Library for the PX4 flight stack. DroneCore is the best way to integrate with PX4 over MAVLink! …
Find out all the PX4 news here.
U-space is Europe’s vision for a traffic management system that will support safe, efficient, and secure access to European airspace for millions of drones. Like the U.S. “Unmanned Traffic Management”…
Vertical Technologies have released their DeltaQuad series of autonomous VTOL UAVs for the professional market. Using PX4 for the autopilot (and created by members of the PX4 dev team) it…
Sensirion announced today (28 August 2017) the integration of a revolutionary new airspeed sensor into PX4. The SDP3x-series sensor allows you to get your VTOL aircraft into the air faster,…
SAN FRANCISCO, Aug. 16, 2017 PRNewswire-USNewswire/ — Today, MIT Technology Review reveals its annual list of Innovators Under 35. For over a decade, the global media company has recognized a list of exceptionally talented technologists whose…
AeroVinci have developed a scalable drone system that includes a fully self-sustaining drone docking station (“DroneDock”), a PX4-powered VTOL vehicle (“Jack”), and seamless integration with major data collection systems. The…
What’s better than an autonomously controlled micro sub in a pool? Answer: A whole swarm of them in the open ocean locating sources of pollution and improving our understanding of oceanic…
PX4 support for the e-flite convergence airframe is coming for the next release (Github pull request, build log). UAVenture contributed the basic airframe config – for all the features of their…